Welcome to SoftwareFPU! To install this shareware 68K-only version of SoftwareFPU, drag it onto your System Folder and restart.
If you use SoftwareFPU, please register your copy with John Neil & Associates. The registration fee for the shareware 68K-only version is just $10. A "fat" 68K/PowerPC version is available for $20. You can also register on-line using CompuServe (GO SWREG). Registered users receive a free upgrade that allows the startup "thank you" balloon to be hidden. Registration information and a registration form are available by clicking the "Plea" button in the SoftwareFPU control panel.
Your checks help keep the lights on late at night. So let's hear from you!
Commercial Licensing
SoftwareFPU may not be sold or bundled with products without a license from John Neil & Associates. For information on commercial licensing, please contact me at the address above.
Change History
Changes from Version 2.45 to Version 3.0:
• You can now enable and disable SoftwareFPU without restarting if it was installed at system startup.
• The control panel now has balloon help.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Systat from working properly.